Saturday, February 13, 2010

1st Sunday to Church

It wasn't until March 2009 that we took the boys to church. We were instructed by the neonatologists and their pediatrician to keep the kiddos out of contact with the sickly. Given that it was winter when we brought them home, we were in a "bubble" for about 5 months. The boys were just so tiny, and the doctors weren't sure how they'd react to getting sick. We were under the impression that the boys could easily end up back in the hospital. So we took their words to heart and kept them secluded for a short time. It was nice to finally get out!

Ayden & Evan with Mommy ... 1st Sunday to go to church!

Ayden & Evan with Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. You have a ways to go before you're caught up in time! :) Even though I've seen most of these pictures and have heard most these stories I still enjoy reading through it:)
    I haven't seen you for like 3 weeks now!! Tell those kiddos I say to get better, and SOON!! Have a good weekend, and I'll hopefully get to see you tuesday!
