Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our NEW Friend Kyla!

Thanks to a little girl named Kyla ... our summer will prove to be even more active! Kyla lives down the street from us, and her parents needed a baby-sitter for her for the summer. This past year she was in kindergarten (the same grade/age as my niece, Meghan). Anyway, she is a true delight to have in our home. The boys ADORE her and stick to her like glue. Here are a couple photos taken from our first day together.

Ayden, Kyla and Evan are busy reading ... or maybe just looking at the photos. :o)
Kyla thought it'd be fun to bake some cookies ... so we did just that. We even added sprinkles. The boys were trying to stand on their own stools ... JUST LIKE KYLA.

And I can't begin to count the number of hugs Ayden gave Kyla ... he gave her lots of love (already on the first day).
Then we all took time to color. Ayden and Evan love this activity.

Here's Ayden busy at work.

And here's Evan being busy too!

Random Events

Random events in the King household ... all rolled into one entry!

Grandma Wiebe came by to visit, and they all decided to try some radishes. Neither of the boys were in favor of them. Surprise there, huh?!

Evan has so many different "faces."
... Ayden too!

My kids LOVE to climb ... and I mean LOVE. Here Ayden made his way to the top of a Rubbermaid tub ... and he is showing off his skills.

And here is the pea that was lodged inside Ayden's nose. It was HUGE! I'm just glad I was able to get it out myself. Just a few days back, Ayden was crying several times throughout the night, and we just couldn't figure out what was wrong. It wasn't until after lunch the following day that we learned the cause. You see, The next day while playing, Ayden fell and started crying. Crying, as you know, can make one's nose run ... and all of a sudden a piece of corn came out of his nose with some blood on it. Odd thing was, I knew that we hadn't even eaten any corn that day, so it had must have been in his nose since the previous day. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Not to mention, YUCK!

Two days ago, we rearranged the boys' bedroom. Evan and Ayden were busy helping me too. In fact, the were able to crawl up inside of the dresser since I had removed all of the drawers so I could move it. Man did they have fun!

Monday, May 17, 2010

18 Month (Adjusted Age) NICU Follow-Up

Just wanted to pass along some GREAT news ...

Today Ayden and Evan had their 18 month (adjusted age) NICU follow up (they are actually 20 months old). All went EXTREMELY well, and we are so thankful! I told the boys to just be themselves. :o) They did great.

The developmental specialist was very pleased with how well our boys' fine motor skills were. She kept commenting on how cute and big they were ... and she couldn't help but "ooooo" and "awh" over the boys' long eyelashes. All parents like to hear those type of comments. Anyway, the boys preformed all the skills tests wonderfully. They passed with flying colors!

Then we took the boys to the actual NICU because I knew that three of our favorite nurses were working today (I had called in this morning). Walking down that long hallway to the NICU brought back memories and tears. The nurses and one of the doctors came up to see the boys. They couldn't get over how grown up the boys looked. They thought surely they were older than 20 months. I'm sure it is nice for them to get to see how the babies they take care of grow up and change. It must be a huge sense of accomplishment for them. Smiles were pasted all over their faces because they remembered taking care of our boys and the issues that both had. I told them that Ayden still has his high pitched scream/cry. I told them I still blame the NICU for that ... they all remembered his scream. Some things haven't changed. :o) It was nice to be able to thank them again for the two gifts of life they gave us and protected for us. When we got to the hospital, Shane said, "Boys, this was your first home!" It truly was for several weeks ... our home too.

No negative comments from the developmental specialist, but simply praises and astonishment at how well they did everything. She said that boys often change the most between 18 months and two years. So we should be ready for some big changes over the next few months. They don't have to be seen until 3 years (adjusted age).

However ... she does want Ayden to see a GI specialist. Ayden has thrown up twice in the last week again. This has happened ever since we brought him home from the hospital ... nothing new to us, but nothing seems to be improving. He is gaining weight and growing which is why we weren't instructed to do anything before. The boys' pediatrician has had us keeping record of when he has these throwing up episodes. There is nothing that similar about the days or foods or anything like that ... other than it typically happens towards the end of the day. He consistently throws up every 2-4 weeks. Anyway, given his symptoms and how he basically passes out afterwards, she feels that something isn't right and should be checked out. One thought she had was that it might be an abdominal migraine. She asked if there was history of migraines ... and I was sad to say that I get them ... I feel awful if I passed this along to him, but God knew this. Granted, she doesn't know for sure, but since he is limp and so tired afterwards, she suspects this. however, given his NEC issues he had as an infant, built up scar tissue may still the the main cause of it all. Nevertheless, this has gone on long enough and she wants us to now press forward and find some answers. So, you can be praying for that and for the specialist who will check out his little body.

Ayden weighed 23lbs 7 ozs, and Evan was an even 24 lbs! Woo-hoo!

Anyway, take time to pray and thank God for how good he has been to our kiddos ... He has helped us walk a scary road at times with them, and He has sustained us all throughout it. God is good, and He has blessed us so much. Thanks for walking along side of us. Today was a HUGE day of celebration for Shane and I. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! This past Mother's Day, I was honored to be grouped in the category of "mothers." I have two little blessings that put me there and a wonderful husband for encourages me as I take care of the little guys during the day.
This Mother's Day, we all went up to Omaha to see Aunt Yvette's new house. Grandpa and Grandma Wiebe met us up there too. It was a wonderful way to spend the day.
Evan and Ayden light up my life ... thanks to their Daddy for giving them to me!

My parents, Roger and Coletta ... aren't they cute!

Here is a photo of me, my mother (Coletta) and my sister (Yvette). Unfortunately, my other sister, Deanne, wasn't able to make the trip out to Omaha.
Evan was eager to pick all the dandelions in Aunt Yvette's yard!

Ayden and Mommy!

Evan must have been thinking, "Silly Aunt Yvette!"

At the end of the day, before the boys went to bed ... they brought out my Mother's Day gift. The boys came running down the hallway, each with Cream Soda bottles in their hands. They were proud to give them to me. It was ADORABLE! I love Cream Soda.

Our Friends ...

Sometimes the weeks get long and I run out of ideas of how to keep the boys entertained ... so, I typically call up some friends and have them come over for play-dates. The boys love it, and I love the fact that I can have a conversation with anther person who speaks more than gibberish. :o)

Jace Wilson (Bryce and Christine Wilson's son) is a "regular" at our place. Jace is only 4 1/2 months younger than Ayden and Evan. In fact, they'll be in the same grade in school some day. Looking forward to that!

Evan was ready to be pushed! He was ready to M-O-V-E!

You'll notice that Ayden has his hands tucked in his pockets ... it's his new thing. Shane has been teaching them to put their hands in the pant and jacket pockets. Now, Ayden is hooked on doing it. I think he looks so grown up when he does it.
Ayden was taking it all in ... just relaxing. He was so tired that he couldn't hold his head up anymore. Instead, he rested it on the swing. So sweet!

Ahhhhhhhhhh ... it's Evan!

Grandma Wiebe came by to visit ... and Evan soaked it up!

Sweet little Jace ...
While Jace was in the swing ... he didn't seem to have a care in the world. In fact, I think he was in the swing for a good hour. Never a fuss.

Our neighbors, the Jensens, came over to play on day. Christian (the oldest of the group) is 4, and next to him is his brother Tyler, who is three weeks older than Ayden and Evan. The boys kept each other busy and on their toes. The house was like a zoo, but Dana (their mother) and I both agreed that it helped the morning go by fast, and that was a good thing!

We were just impressed that Ayden, Christian, Tyler and Evan all looked at the camera at the same time. History was made!

Helping Dad Work!

The boys LOVE being with Dad. They LOVE doing whatever he is doing. They are such little "helpers." Granted, getting jobs done take twice as long, but the boys enjoy the attention and accomplishments. Plus, it's good for Shane and I to learn how to slow-down. :o)

Ayden had a broom just like Dad! He was so proud of his work. I'm sure Ayden broke many of the brooms bristles since he constantly was pushing the broom instead of sweeping with it. But we didn't care ... he was have an absolute bast!

Again, Ayden kept close to dad to help keep the piles of rocks in order.

Evan on the other hand (on the right side of the photo) was here and there and everywhere. We learned after watching him, that his whole goal was to break up the piles. He liked to take the nice, neat piles and mess them up. He, too, was so proud of his work. He was BUSY!

Ayden (near) and Evan (far)

Garage Sale Finds ...

Recently I did a little shopping ... garage sale shopping to be exact! I made great finds ... two of which are the little toys I found for Evan and Ayden. When I brought them out from hiding ... the boys were ECSTATIC over them.

Here is Evan on his new 3-wheeler. In the future, I suspect the boys will learn how to use the pedals, but for now ... they just push with their feet!

And here is Ayden on his motorcycle. I'm not fans of my kiddos riding motorcycles, and I am not in favor of my kids ever buying one ... however, I have no room to speak since I technically bought them their first motorcycle. Oops!