Ayden and Evan get older and bigger, their risks become bigger and more
dangerous. Guess it's all part of being a boy. They like to push the limits and only encourage each other, which is NOT always the best idea. At least, not the best idea as seen by a parent. :o) Everyday there is some new obstacle that they must accomplish or then "die trying."
Regardless, I love my little guys. We are very busy and there is never a dull moment. They are busy ... BUSY ... Busy! Truly boys through and through! And I LOVE it.
Hummm ... Evan and
Ayden are on the kitchen table. And you can tell by the looks on their faces and by
Ayden squatting down that they KNOW that they are NOT supposed to be on the table.

You see, I was back working in the office and all of a sudden I noticed that it was quiet. "Quiet" is never a good thing, I really do prefer the boys to make noise because then I know where they are and what they are doing. Thought I had better check on them ... and here is where I found the little tykes.

Evan ... little
mischief maker #2 is on our new/used spinner. They love to try out new things, and this is something fun! Not only does Evan enjoy sitting on it and spinning (as the toy is designed for), but he likes to stand on it too. Why not?!
Ayden prefers to actually sit on the
orange/top part. Why not?!
Oooooo ... Evan is attempting a new trick/way of riding the
turtle. And when he or
Ayden is riding it properly ... they like to stand on the turtle's back and let go with their hands. I have my hands FULL!

But here is a sweet little photo of Evan.

And you can't help but love the cheesy grin from

Evan and
Ayden posing so nicely for me. The things I put them through. :o)

Notice how
Ayden's lips are all puckered up? Well, it's because I'm had been working on the boys saying "CHEESE" whenever I took their photo. So as you look at the photo again, just imagine a little voice from him, saying "CHEESE."

Moving on once again ... the boys decided it was okay to take a break and sit in their new snack (and one day time-out) chairs. You can notice that in this photo Evan was making the "CHEESE" sounds.

And when in doubt and there is "nothing else" to do ... climb on something. At least I think that is the boys'
Ayden was
scaling the back of the chair ... much like they do with their cribs ... and stair railing.
Ughhhhhh. I have two very active little monkeys or tree frog ... whatever you want to call them. They don't have many fears which is great for exploration and building courage for them ... but can be very scary for Shane and me.

And as you can tell ... Evan learned how to climb up the chair and get into his highchair. How do they come up with these sort of things?! Seriously, every day they are trying to climb, move or destroy something new. But they are having fun in the process. They are truly ALL BOY!
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