I'm finally caught up in giving "recaps" over the last year and a half ... so now, you are all up to date!

Evan was trying to help Dad take out the trash. Both he and
Ayden are strong. They amaze us with what they can carry.

Sweet little
Ayden ... he loves to play with this tunnel. The tunnel actually belongs to a tent set, but
Ayden just likes to play with this one piece. He hides in it!

Ayden. As you can see,
Ayden is sitting patiently on the bottom step of our stairs. He is eagerly awaiting Dad's arrival home from work. Many times throughout the Dad, I hear
Ayden asking for "
Da Da?" And often come 5 o'clock he makes his way to the stairs and just waits ... watching the door or window for any sight of movement. It's precious!

Cousin Myles and
Ayden hiding behind
G'ma Wiebe's toy basket.
Ayden, Evan and myself took a trip up to Omaha, NE to visit Aunt Yvette at work. The boys were SUPER busy taking everything in. It was a wonderful change in our routine.

Silly Evan and his true blue eyes!

Ayden ... and his true blue eyes.