Here is a recap of February 2010.

Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks to
G'pa and
G'ma, Evan got his 1st sucker.
Ayden was a happy camper, but Dad and I were not the most favorite people in the world when we took their suckers away.

Bye - bye
Ayden was busy studying his
Nuk. You see, we cut off the tip, and gave them to the boys. We wanted them to understand that they were "broken" and would no longer work.

Evan was quite curious too. He kept trying to suck on one and then the other ... eventually the realized that those silly ole
Nuks just wouldn't do the job anymore. The transition was fairly easy for them ... and thankfully for us.

After a 3 week cold ... the boys were both diagnosed with RSV and bronchitis. This was rather scary for us. We started out giving the boys four breathing treatments a day (as if I weren't busy enough).
Ayden put up with the whole process, but he really didn't care for it.

Evan took to it a little better, and thankfully so since he had worse conditions. The breathing treatments took about 15 minutes. Try keeping a toddler still for that long. Ugh!
G'ma King and Evan ... just being silly.

Again ... Evan messing with the

Evan was caught red-handed!
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