Tuesday, March 9, 2010

May 2009 Recap

Here is a quick overview of May 2009.

Ayden and Evan went out to Beatrice, NE to see where Great G'pa and G'ma were buried.

Fun times with G'ma Wiebe. Evan and Ayden sure do like to snuggle up to her.

Ayden was proud to sit on G'pa Wiebe's lap.

Aren't these guys adorable!! Ayden and Evan like to play with one another after they get up from a nap ... so we put them into each other's crib. The love it!

Little Sweethearts!

Ayden was PROUD to try on Dad's fire hat.

Evan wasn't quite sure what was on his head.

Evan and Ayden wrestling as Dad refs! It was here when we had to inform the boys that licking wasn't allowed in wrestling. :o)

Ayden and Evan watching the wiggly leaves on the tree. And as usual, Ayden HAS to have his hand on Evan. I suppose he is comforted when he is able to touch his brother. Pretty sweet.

Ayden (8 Months Old)
Evan (8 Months Old)

Ayden & Evan (8 Months Old)

Ayden & Evan (8 Months Old)


  1. those are way cute pictures! love the one by the window!!!

  2. Wonderful photos! So fun to see the boys and how they have grown so much since their tiny little beginning!
